Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Newsletter - March 2010 New Housing Scheme

Approval for Sensitive New Housing in Village Conservation Area
PDP were delighted to obtain planning consent earlier this month for the redevelopment of a large site in the village of Bolehill, near Wirsksworth, with a sensitive scheme for 7 new houses.

The site is currently occupied by an empty timber-framed building which was the Women’s Institute hall until two years ago, a brick house and a garden. PDP put together the scheme on behalf of 2 local builders.

Detailed designs were prepared by PDP, based on an assessment of character of the Conservation Area. The proposed layout was designed to respond to the steep and varied topography of the site, respect the established built form of the village, and complement the existing spaces surrounding the site. Each of the seven houses were carefully designed to individually and collectively reflect the characteristics of existing buildings in the village.

Prior to and during the application process careful negotiations were held with Planning and Conservation Officers, the Derbyshire Dales Conservation Advisory Forum, English Heritage, and the Highway Authority, amongst others.

Despite 21 letters of objection being received by the Council in response to the proposals, the Derbyshire Dales Central Area Planning Committee resolved to approve the application at their meeting on 2nd March.

Newsletter - March 2010 Residential Barn Consent

Consent Secured for Residential Barn Conversion Scheme
PDP were delighted to obtain planning consent this month for the conversion of a range of traditional farm buildings at Park Farm, Little Eaton, to residential accommodation.
The U-shaped range of 18th and 19th Century buildings enjoy a beautiful rural setting, in Green Belt north of the village.
A sensitive scheme for the conversion of the buildings to a four bedroom home was submitted to Erewash Borough Council following initial negotiations. The proposal also included the re-use of a further building as a garage and home office, and the removal of several modern sheds to enhance the appearance of the site.

The application was accompanied by a structural survey, an ecological survey and an estate agents report examining the viability of commercial re-use.
The application was subsequently approved by Council Officers under delegated powers.
We look forward to seeing buildings restored and brought back to their former glory.

The Homebuilding and Renovating Show 2010

The Homebuilding and Renovating Show 2010 was a resounding success. Given this was Planning Design Practice’s first year exhibiting at the event, it was reassuring to learn that show organisers reported increased attendance from last year and previous years. Planning Design Practice were able to help and advise numerous self builders and homeowners of the potential planning pitfalls surrounding their various schemes, with many enquiries turning into new work.

As well as exhibitions from the key players within the built environment sector, the show delivered a series of master classes and seminars on various planning and environmental issues. Online notes from these master classes and seminars can be found on the Homebuilding and Renovating Show’s website via the following link: http://national.homebuildingshow.co.uk/News.apx.aspx

Planning Design Practice are looking forward to exhibiting at the Homebuilding and Renovating Show 2011, although you needn’t wait until then to approach us with your planning and design related enquiries!