At planning committee on Tuesday evening Jonathan spoke in favour of a new Tennis Court and Menage near Bradbourne. The new facilities are to be added to a property where the company has successfully achieved planning permission back in 2006.
The site lies on high ground close to the boundary with the Peak National Park. The site lies immediately adjacent to the approved house and outbuildings which includes four stables. Using appropriate landscaping and taking account of the slope of the land in the design of the menage a scheme was developed that meet the clients needs while protecting the wider environment. Whilst there were no objections from neighbours the Parish Council was strongly against the scheme and this triggered a referral to planning committee.
Committee members met at the site and were able to speak direct to the Parish chairman who again voiced his concerns. Enhanced landscaping proposals were presented to the meeting to allay these concerns and the changes were supported by the planning officer.
At the committee meeting that evening members supported the planning officer’s recommendation for approval subject to the additional landscaping. Notwithstanding their differences our client and the Parish Council Chairman found that they could get on well. The chairman was given a tour of the property and our client has agreed to become more involved in the parish and to support parish events.
The turn of events in the evening reminded me of the importance of community relations, particularly for new comers to an area. The Parish had drawn erroneous conclusions about our client and had reacted as much to their vision of him as to the development itself.
Get the politics of an area right and the planning process is much easier.
The site lies on high ground close to the boundary with the Peak National Park. The site lies immediately adjacent to the approved house and outbuildings which includes four stables. Using appropriate landscaping and taking account of the slope of the land in the design of the menage a scheme was developed that meet the clients needs while protecting the wider environment. Whilst there were no objections from neighbours the Parish Council was strongly against the scheme and this triggered a referral to planning committee.
Committee members met at the site and were able to speak direct to the Parish chairman who again voiced his concerns. Enhanced landscaping proposals were presented to the meeting to allay these concerns and the changes were supported by the planning officer.
At the committee meeting that evening members supported the planning officer’s recommendation for approval subject to the additional landscaping. Notwithstanding their differences our client and the Parish Council Chairman found that they could get on well. The chairman was given a tour of the property and our client has agreed to become more involved in the parish and to support parish events.
The turn of events in the evening reminded me of the importance of community relations, particularly for new comers to an area. The Parish had drawn erroneous conclusions about our client and had reacted as much to their vision of him as to the development itself.
Get the politics of an area right and the planning process is much easier.